Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Let's Get Strategic: SWOT

There are a few essentials in business - the first is having an elevator pitch about your business. The second is to be able to clearly state your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats - or your SWOT.

It's easy... and here's how:

How to: Step-by-step

Powerpoint Template
Want to take it deeper?
  • First... try doing SWOT backwards (often called TOWS). The order that you ask questions often affects how you look at a specific problem.
  • Consider how outside influences affect your business (called a PESTEL analysis). This Powerpoint makes it easy.
  • Look closer at your internal influences by using a PRIMO-F tool. This compares your business with your competitors.

This is an easy-to-use template to help you think about how external changes could help or hurt your business.


How do you rank with your competitors? Here is an Powerpoint to download and rank your business on the essential parts of your business.
