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Air Quality Small Business Assistance Program

The Oregon DEQ Air Quality Small Business Assistance Program provides technical assistance to address and prevent air quality violations at unpermitted or small sources. The program helps small businesses understand what permitting requirements apply to their industry sector and find practical, cost-effective solutions to their environmental concerns.

The Small Business Coordinator works with trade associations, interest groups, suppliers and business owners with 100 or fewer employees. The program also represents the needs of small business in regulations across industry sectors and ensure that small business interests are represented during DEQ's rulemaking.

View the Small Business Assistance Program Tips and Guidance page.

If you have questions regarding a pending or existing permit, please contact your DEQ Regional Permit Writer

​​The EPA recognized that the many facets of the 1990 Clean Air Act make it a difficult law to follow, particularly for smaller businesses with limited resources. As a result, the 1990 CAA required each state to develop a small business technical assistance program. With technical assistance limited to small business, it was necessary to define what qualifies a business as "small." Following are the criteria EPA established for state programs to define a small business:

  • Fewer than 100 employees
  • Independently owned and operated and not dominant in your industry
  • Not a major source for any regulated pollutant. The air emissions from your business must fall into one of the following categories:
    • For Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) air emissions are less than 10 tons per year (TPY) of any one or less than 25 TPY of any combination of HAPs
    • For other regulated pollutants (non-HAP) air emissions are less than 50 TPY of any one or less than 75 TPY of any combination of these pollutants
Using this definition, most businesses in Oregon are small businesses and are eligible for assistance from our small business assistance program. Because many small businesses are now subject to federal and/or state air quality regulations due to their air emissions, DEQ's Business Assistance Program is dedicated to providing technical and educational information to assist owners in proactively managing their emissions, and in understanding what is needed to comply with required regulations and/or permits.


Hillarie Sales
Small Business Program Coordinator