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Bad Checks Unit
1717 Harney St Suite 700
Omaha, NE 68183
(402) 444-7026


The Bad Checks Unit operates under the statutory requirements of Nebraska Criminal Statute 28-611. Under 28-611 the Bad Checks Unit is responsible for the processing and follow-up investigation of any Non-Sufficient Funds or Account Closed checks that are submitted for criminal prosecution.

Victims of Bad Checks, who are considering criminal prosecution of a suspected bad check writer, need to submit a copy of the check(s) in question along with the statutorily mandated fee of $10.00 per check.

Copies of the check(s) and the appropriate fee(s) can be mailed, or brought in person, to the Bad Check Unit at the above address. Upon receipt of the copy of the Bad Check(s) and appropriate fee(s), a statutorily mandated letter will be sent to the signer of the Bad Check(s).

The letter will advise the signer that a criminal complaint has been made against them and that they have 10 days to pay the bad check(s) plus the fee(s). Check writers are instructed to make all payments to the Bad Check Unit. All monies collected during a month are paid out to the appropriate victims during the first half of the following month.

Should the check writer fail to make restitution, a follow-up letter will be sent to the victim of the Bad Check advising them of such failure and detailing their options.

Should the victim so desire, it is at this point a criminal arrest warrant may be issued for the check writer under the following parameters:

  • Checks for $1,500.00 or greater, and given in exchange for present value, are prosecutable as felonies and handled by the Douglas County Attorney's Office.
  • Checks for less than $1,500.00 are prosecutable as Misdemeanors and prosecuted by the City Prosecutor's Office, a Division of the Omaha City Attorney's Office.