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The Omaha Police Department Business Watch Squad provides crime prevention information to the business community and enables businesses to network with one another and the Omaha Police Department in order to decrease criminal activity. This network helps to provide a safer community, not only for businesses but for the entire community. 

(402) 444-5772
Email:   businesswatch@cityofomaha.org

The Business Watch Squad provides the following programs: Business Watch Program, Crime Free Multi-Housing (CFMH), Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and the Closed Property Program.

Information is provided on topics such as:

Employee safety
Ban & Bar
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Crime-Free Multi-Housing - class held annually
Crime prevention issues

A Business Watch Officer may conduct security audits of business properties upon request. Business managers watching out for each other establishes an effective crime prevention strategy.

Please call or email the Business Watch Squad for more information on these programs.

News and Information

  • LGBTQ+ Community Liaison

    2022-02-10 16:47:13

    As an ally, we proudly support our LGBTQ+ community. If you have questions or concerns related to LGBTQ+ issues, please contact the Omaha Police Department community liaison, Lieutenant Candace Phillips at opdpublicinf ...