Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program

Kittitas County's Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program is a countywide litter control program whereby volunteer organizations ( i.e. organizations which volunteer) may contribute to a cleaner environment and a more attractive state by adopting sections of a county road and removing litter along those sections.



To provide guidance for administration of the Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program on County Road rights-of-way.


Washington Highway Laws, RCW 47.42.020 and 47.42.040 "Highway Advertising Control Act-Scenic Vistas Act" and RCW 47.40, "Roadside Improvement and Beautification". Proposed Chapter 468-72 WAC "Adopt-A-Highway Litter Control Program"


Adopt-A-Litter Control Program: A Countywide litter control program whereby volunteer organizations (i.e., organizations which volunteer) may contribute to a cleaner environment and a more attractive state by adopting sections of a County road and removing litter along those sections.

Adopt-A-Road Sign: A sign on the County road right-of-way referring to the Department's Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program and identifying the organization responsible for litter removal.

Adopt-A-Road Agreement: A contractual agreement between Kittitas County and a volunteer organization participating in the Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program that delineates the responsibilities of both parties.

Volunteer Organization: Any organization empowered by law to enter into contractual agreements which volunteers to participate in the Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program.


The Department of Public Works shall work in partnership with citizen volunteers to reduce roadside litter and to build civic pride in a litter-free county road system in Kittitas County.  


Director of Public Works

  • Establish and maintain standard procedures to provide uniform implementation of the countywide Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program.
  • Provide, maintain, and update a standardized application form, registration form, and contractual agreement form for implementation of the countywide Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program.
  • Approve all materials, information packets, signs, logos and any other items or materials used to implement and promote the countywide Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program.
  • Maintain a master record of all Adopt-A-Road agreements executed countywide.
  • Appoint a coordinator to manage, coordinate and facilitate the Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program.

Program Coordinator

  • Administer County Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program
  • Assign volunteer organizations a section of county road from which to remove litter.
  • Have erected and maintained through coordination with the Traffic Engineer, Adopt-A-Road signs with the name and/or acronym of volunteer organizations at the assigned areas.
  • Furnish trash bags to the volunteer organization.
  • Provide safety information and training aids to the organizations for use in training all participants.
  • Maintain records of any injuries and accidents that may occur during participation in the program.
  • Contact each participating volunteer organization once a year to express appreciation for their participation, remind them of their responsibilities, and inquire if they plan to renew at the end of the current agreement period. Sections of county roads assigned to volunteer organizations should be monitored periodically to ensure that the degree of litter control is in compliance with the Adopt-A-Road Agreement.
  • Obtain permission from property owners who lease right-of-way before allowing an organization to adopt a section of highway on such leased property.

Volunteer Organization

  • Provide a designated Volunteer Organization Representative.
  • Provide training for all participants using the safety information and training aids provided by the Program Coordinator.
  • Provide "Volunteer Litter Crew Ahead" advanced warning sign and standards, hard hats, and vests for all participants and any other appropriate materials and equipment deemed necessary as furnished by the County.


Any organization which volunteers may be authorized to participate in the Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program by removing litter within an assigned section of county road in accordance with the terms prescribed on an Adopt-A-Road Agreement, subject to the following rules:

  • An organization shall not be eligible whose name:
    • Endorses or opposes a particular candidate for public office.
    • Advocates a position on a specific political issue, initiative, referendum, or piece of legislation.
    • Includes a reference to a political party.
    • Includes a reference to anything that may be considered or construed to be obscene to the general public.
  • Organizations that have not complied with a previous Adopt-A-Road Agreement shall not be eligible for a period of five years following the termination date of the previous Agreement.
  • Organizations shall be assigned road sections on a "safety and first come-first served" basis. Generally the sections should be two miles long if the organization volunteers to be responsible for both sides of the road, and four miles if for one side. Organizations should be encouraged to adopt sections contiguous with other sections of road adopted by other organizations. Neighborhood areas with several sections of road with a minimum total of two miles long may be assigned.
  • Organizations shall be assigned a road section for a minimum of two years. Adopt-A-Road Agreements will terminate on February 28 of every even numbered year unless cancelled by either party. Agreements can be terminated by either party upon 30 days notice. Agreement executed with less than two years to the next even numbered year will extend for more than two years. An example is an agreement executed in June of 1991 will be active until February 28, 1994 (two years, eight months). Organizations assigned sections shall have first right of renewal for that section.
  • Each organization participating in the Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program shall have a designated representative.
  • All participants shall be at least 15 years of age. All participants shall sign the "Adopt-A-Road" registration form.
  • Written parental consent shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for all minors (under 18 years of age) prior to participating in the Adopt-A-Road Litter Control Program.
  • During litter removal, there shall be at least one adult supervisor present from the organization for every eight minors.

For more information, contact Kittitas County Department of Public Works.