MSU Course Projects

A Win-Win-Win Proposition

Course projects give business owners fresh insights while providing students with real-world experience and networking opportunities. 

Classroom Learning Brings Impactful Change

Each year, we work closely with small business clients and Missouri State University classes on course projects. See one that might be a good fit for you? Let us know.

Two students sit in gray chairs.

Accounting (Fall/Spring)

Accounting projects include: capital budgeting and cash flow analysis, creation/improvement of internal reporting mechanisms, establishing balanced scorecard metrics, or using regression tools to develop reporting and/or predictive analytics.   

Ad Team members present.

Advertising (Fall/Spring)

Need fresh ideas to reach more customers? Our Advertising project pairs your business with MSU Advertising & Promotions classes to create a multi-channel advertising campaign. 

Young man and woman study together.

Feasibility Study (Spring)

Do you have a business idea you want to explore? Our  Feasibility Study project  teams you up with students in the Entrepreneurship Program to explore your idea and take some of the uncertainty out of starting a new business. 

Back of man's head as he looks at computer screen.

Growth & New Market Strategy (Fall/Spring)

 Graduate students engage your target customers through primary research and secondary research to provide actionable recommendations on expansion opportunities. 

Group of students present to a classroom.

Human Resources (Fall/Spring)

Industrial-Organizational Psychology graduate courses develop, review or enhance your employee selection process as well as develop surveys to measure employee engagement, job analysis and more.

Group of students sits in small study space.

Digital & Social Media (Fall/Spring)

Students work to improve social and digital media performance for clients. They will create strategies and content or provide data analysis.

Learn More about Course Projects

Complete the form below to learn how our class projects can help grow your business.

Student Talent

Student sits in coworking space.


Course projects don’t sound like the right fit, but you still need some additional help?

Hire an MSU student for an internship or part-time job.

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